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I wrongly assumed the format panel used in Mail was a system control like it is on macOS; but alas it isn't!

It ended up being a lot of fun recreating it, including the silly stretching/rubber-banding when you pull it.

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Apologies for the slowdown in new beta builds/invites. I bit off way more than I could chew redoing the editor + iPad support 😅

That said I’m really pleased with how the new editor has turned out. I've added rich text formatting, inline attachments and document scanning.

New build coming soon 💌

@ctietze I’ve noticed environment values stop being propagated in certain controls (usually Hosting/AnyView). Is the environment’s default handler being called instead of the one you’ve set? If so perhaps try explicitly setting the environment at each level to find where it breaks? Otherwise good old printChanges?

@curtclifton Just filed for you as FB12988541.

I've also noticed OpenWindowAction is unable to open more than 2 windows of the same type with differing values. Not sure if that's an intended limitation, but it is inconsistent with macOS where it works as expected. Filed as FB12988647.

@jaywardell thanks for the suggestion and taking the time to write a gist! It does indeed appear the Command environment is quite different (uhh…broken). Passing an action from the App/Scene as you suggested works. It also appears to work as a focused scene value, which has the benefit of not passing it around.

@marquiskurt thanks for sharing! I might have to fallback to a similar technique.

Has anyone got openWindow to work on iPadOS from the Command menu? Console throws "Use of OpenWindowAction requires the SwiftUI App Lifecycle" (the whole app is). Button works fine when inside a View (and works on Mac)

@dominic think it’s something in iOS 17. Thanks for flagging!

@jayshortway @astro wow great post, thanks for sharing!

"it will initialize your project directory with the theme files"

Sometimes it's the little things 🥹

@jknlsn ahh yes heard lots of great things about Next and Tailwind; I'll take a look. Cheers!

@denis ahh yes I came across Hugo, looks cool! Thanks for the suggestion

@raf this looks really cool and well supported -- thanks for the suggestions!

@czottmann it looks decent. It's for a sorta-blog, but honestly their markdown support looks enough for what I need. Thanks!

@mattiem I'll keep you posted!

And yeh I've used rbenv before, but every time I start a new project I'm on a new machine and *something* throws an error *somewhere* and my setup isn't *quite right*

Translation: If I had any patience it would probably work 😛

@czottmann dark magic 🧙‍♀️

(and thanks for the suggestion, looks awesome!)

Can anyone recommend a decent static site generator?

I used to use Jekyll, but maintaining a working Ruby installation is nigromancy I never mastered.

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