The best thing announced today: I can finally use Grindr from my Mac!

Evri saying “We’ve got your parcel” feels more like a threat than anything else

*highlights a thing that is ✨literally✨ happening now on the App Store*


Found this little baby in our garden. No microchip. No response to posters I put up. Shelter said they are full.

I guess I have a kitty now…?

Finally got around to watching The Curse finale…


: Stop using AppStorage directly. It’s prone to typos, value mismatches and more.

Instead give yourself strongly typed keys and associated defaults, à la EnvironmentValues.

I’ve published my implementation as a package, but you can just as easily wrap AppStorage yourself with a few dozen lines.

Had a few people ask how you might go from a scrolling grid to a PageView, à la Photos app.

Using matchedGeometry will get you most of the way there, then it’s just a few little extras to keep both views in sync.

I’ve added some new sample code in the project to show how:

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There is something incredibly cathartic about running your own Mastodon instance and being able to block an entire instance in a single click.

A thousand ‘free-speech extremists’ screaming into the void.

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Certain styles such as .scroll and .historyStack bridge directly to UIPageViewController and NSViewController respectively, so you get all those great native behaviours.

But you can also adopt PageViewStyle to create completely custom transitions, like the 3D deck of cards in Messages.

Checkout the docs to see how:

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New SwiftUI package drop!

📦📖 BigUIPaging

PageView is a flexible container for creating paged interfaces.

Unlike TabView:
- Pages can be decided 'in flight’, ideal for large datasets
- Works across iOS and macOS
- Handles complicated view hierarchies more consistently
- Allows for totally custom styles and interactions

Also included is PageIndicator with support for the new iOS 17 progress timer.

The Creator was excellent and easily one of the most exciting sci-fi movies I’ve seen in a long time.

It felt like James Cameron and Spielberg made a film together. I can’t stop thinking about it.

Go see it in the cinema if you can!

Here's a prime example of what developers mean when they question "is SwiftUI ready for production?”

A simple menu. Left iOS 16.4. Right iOS 17.0.

One works. One fails. Same code.

I love SwiftUI, but it's this kind of thing that make me lose confidence in it.

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The Not So Big Company

The home of The Not So Big Company on Mastodon.