
Thinking of open-sourcing the framework used to build Big Mail/Big News. It recreates a bunch of ‘missing’ system UI components (toasts, menus, pickers, etc), and has some common patterns for navigation, styling, etc.

It's one package right now (BigSwiftUI) but I'm torn whether to split it up into smaller packages.

Anyone interested in a package like this? Split it up or no?

It's a shame DocC doesn't yet support multiple targets; it would make splitting things up much easier.

At least it’s being discussed:

@phill +1

I made a small email client and tried implementing TokenFields, my attempt wasn’t successful 😅
Ended up with a simpler tag-like component.

@sergpryimachuk ahh token field is very fiddly indeed. My approach in the end was to use a 'donor' UISearchTextField for spare parts.

@phill split up would be great, I’d really love a better implementation of toasts than what I’ve built

@phill The screenshots you posted certainly look interesting. I would totally use this, at least for inspiration on how to achieve certain things.

@phill I am having this problem
With Lexical. I’ve gone for splitting, but that means that loads of stuff is currently undocumented.

@phill Please do open-source - it's great to read non-trivial code to see ways to achieve things. As for splitting up, whatever makes sense to you.

@phill would love to see it, split or not 🤷‍♂️

Kind of building my own right now and always love some inspiration.

@phill I have regularly regretted making my packages too big. If you decide to do it, I’d recommend breaking it up. Small, targeted stuff for maximum utility!

@phill I maintain a design system in SwiftUI and would love some inspiration

@phill honestly i would love to see how other fellow devs implement common things

not to steal implementations, but just to understand how some other dev resolved common problems

@phill I would love to use this, even (especially?) as one big package!

@phill Id really be interested in a package like this. Some great components you have there and having a SwiftUI library that supports it already would be amazing!

@phill please do release… I’d love to compare notes with my token field implementation

@phill Would love to learn from your code if you decide to open source it!

@phill split it up! At least, multiple libraries within a package.

@phill One big package is fine. Do whatever is easier to maintain.


Yes! I miss toasts too. One big package is fine for me.

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