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You haven't LIVED until you've spent an hour trying to wrestle your dog to get a wasp’s stinger out of their paw.

The good news is she's fine ❤️

The bad news is my face and arms are not.

It's a shame DocC doesn't yet support multiple targets; it would make splitting things up much easier.

At least it’s being discussed:

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@sergpryimachuk ahh token field is very fiddly indeed. My approach in the end was to use a 'donor' UISearchTextField for spare parts.

Thinking of open-sourcing the framework used to build Big Mail/Big News. It recreates a bunch of ‘missing’ system UI components (toasts, menus, pickers, etc), and has some common patterns for navigation, styling, etc.

It's one package right now (BigSwiftUI) but I'm torn whether to split it up into smaller packages.

Anyone interested in a package like this? Split it up or no?

@ikkeleif thanks for your support and kind words!

And yes unfortunately something changed in the latest iOS 17 beta. Will get it sorted before iOS 17 launches.

@dominic had a couple days off, aiming for today or tomorrow :-)

@rlfb is this iOS 17? I have it set to false in Big Mail and haven’t seen that!

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#indiedev #iosdev

Secret Invasion 

@rlfb the whole series was a colossal disappointment — the ending was just the final kick in the teeth. A handful of okay scenes buried under utter crap writing.

And a CGI fight finale? I actually laughed out loud! The MCU just can’t help itself.

@matadan the 3 hours whip by. It’s an extraordinary movie, just deeply unsettling.

@bardi I found myself Googling for answers from the SwiftUI lounges, and what lovely person uploaded them all???

Thank you ❤️


@klemensstrasser @jknlsn from what you've described I would say there's nothing to fix. Any changes to the ObservableObject must re-evaluate the whole hierarchy (even if your view is interested in only one property, say the selected tab).

As long as you're not doing anything expensive, these sort of re-evaluations are fine.

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