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Undo/Scheduled Send is one of those features that seems like it would be trivial to implement (just delay sending the message, duh!)

But delay long enough and iOS will kill your app. And if you are terminated, how do you guarantee waking up at the right time to send? There's no public API to do this.

For Big Mail I've had to get creative, ultimately relying on a cloud component.

(Apple Mail is allowed to cheat somehow, of course 🫢)

Today is — so I would like to celebrate my beautiful brother Andy! 🎉

(and Happy Birthday for last week 🎂)

@charliemchapman App Review insisting the terms URL be in the description has always struck me as stupid; you can’t click/tap it, and no one is gonna type it out manually.

@Rlfb out of desperation I'll sometimes do this, but ideally I want to stay in Xcode, as well as commit back to the package when I'm done.

I feel like the Source Control navigator in Xcode is screaming out for this.

I often find myself needing to make a small edit, or perhaps just try something out quickly, and it completely kills any flow I had.

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There has got to be a better way to edit a Swift Package in situ/locally than this whole song and dance?

Does anyone have a better workflow?

@bardi they’re just trying to maintain consistency with their other cloud offerings 💀

Polarized opinion: Dismissing AI as you would dismiss cryptos/bros is not a smart thing to do. Unlike cryptos, current AI tooling is already an integral part of some tools and workflows (including my own tools and workflows). It's there to stay and improve. Also, dismissing AI because you believe it's bad for authored content is very narrow-minded. #AI #tools

@bardi I personally love that my £3,000 computer beachballs at intensive tasks like *checks notes*

@georgeguimaraes Glad you’re looking forward to it! BM1 is now discontinued.

Does anyone know how to stop this thing popping up on the Apple TV every 10 minutes?? I can’t see anywhere on my phone. It’s driving me nuts!

“The bank has been put under control of the federal government, making it the largest bank to fail since the 2008 financial crisis”

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Absolutely unbelievable that SVB could collapse in less than 24hrs (SVB being the default bank for many startups).

What will happen to funds above 250k? Extraordinary.

Did ya'll know that much of the original iPhone design came from Apples knock off of Konfabulator?

@pauldoesdev you're right I could, but I always find that Xcode’s autocomplete craps out when switching on tuples ☹️

At this point I'm convinced Yahoo’s mail servers are stuffed in a cupboard somewhere, untouched from the 90s.

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