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On iPad, the suggestions briefly show, then vanish. Why? I have no idea! It never used to do that, now it does.

(It also doesn't show the icon, for...reasons?)

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On iPhone, the suggestions will appear on presentation (great!), but if you tap a suggestion, then type just a little too fast, the caret position gets messed up.

Do this enough, it'll eventually crash, throwing an exception from some private _UIObscurableTextContentStorage class.

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The .searchable() modifier has to be hands down, the most unreliable, inconsistent API to ever come out of Apple.

Not only does the behaviour of it change drastically between dot releases, it's next to impossible to get it to behave in a coherent way across all platforms.

I shouldn't install a minor OS update and have my app change like this. SwiftUI is so bad at this.

And no, I don't want to spend hours filing a feedback!

@louie Sure, but I think by saying "everyone" you massively overestimate our enthusiasm for monarchy. I personally don't know anybody who would say they want to keep it (other than perhaps my Nan). At most people are indifferent. But if there was a referendum tomorrow, I strongly suspect they would be gone (and they know that, which is why the police are cracking down so hard). But you're right that it’s totally insane.

@louie don’t be fooled: there are many of us who don’t want a monarchy, especially amongst younger Brits.

@JRP69 a few things have taken longer than I would have liked, but it's almost there. Thanks for bearing with!

Wow, some people really getting their knickers in a twist over that Humane demo aye 😅

Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating today ❤️🌙

Web LLM runs the vicuna-7b Large Language Model entirely in your browser, and it’s very impressive

@dominic I've restarted the activation server, so please try again! It's also possible the latest iOS update may have finished it off. If you're still unable to restore and have an active sub, please request a refund through the App Store (DM if any troubles!)

@matt1corey it’s just an ObservableObject that’s coordinating the search. I have a Published array of suggestions that’s bound to the searchable modifier. Then I’m just clearing it out on submit.

@matt1corey @ricketson @curtclifton just ran into this now too. If helpful, I'm working around it by clearing out suggestions onSubmit (though it did also require some rejigging of my views)

Yep - confirmed with a small sample app. The issue is due to the fact that on iPhone, token searches open up a full screen ‘Picker' with a search bar on top, so you can select the tokens, or search manually. The problem is that when hitting the ‘search' button (whether you selected a token or not), it doesn't dismiss the picker to go back to your list, it just sits there.

Feedback filed: FB12105057

/cc @ricketson @curtclifton

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Anybody else notice the behaviour of .searchable(text:tokens:suggestedTokens:) changed in iOS 16.4? The old behaviour was to hide suggestions on return. Now they always display, and there doesn't seem to be a way to hide them?

I see a bunch of search stuff got deprecated in 16.4, but I'm not using any of that.

This kinda stuff breaking/changing between dot releases is such a huge time sink ☹️

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