There has got to be a better way to edit a Swift Package in situ/locally than this whole song and dance?

Does anyone have a better workflow?


I often find myself needing to make a small edit, or perhaps just try something out quickly, and it completely kills any flow I had.

@phill The best I've managed to do is locate the source file you want to edit (right click > Show in Finder) and make the change in a text editor. That won't survive an update to the package but if it's for an experiment, that should do it?

@Rlfb out of desperation I'll sometimes do this, but ideally I want to stay in Xcode, as well as commit back to the package when I'm done.

I feel like the Source Control navigator in Xcode is screaming out for this.

@phill Yeah I feel you… I could see a pretty neat UX for doing this seamlessly via Xcode but alas 😅

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