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@khaost yeh all the navigation and sheet stuff by itself isn’t very useful. It’s definitely worth spending the time to create things like DismissSheetAction, PresentSheetAction, etc.

@bardi there is basically one bigboi target now (apart from watch). You can set platform specific files in the “Compile Sources” phase (though to be honest I find it easier to just use os() inline)

@bardi sorry I missed your last reply; yes exactly this! Section returns a ViewBuilder too (content) so it works exactly the same way.

@bardi the VStack will always be treated as a single row (it’s just a view after all).

Returning a ViewBuilder will allow for individually selectable subviews (provided they are tagged). Use a combination of listRowInsets and listRowSeperator to recreate the appearance the VStack gave you.

@khaost This! I’ve yet to find a way that doesn’t result in weird artifacts.

@dominic sorry still don't want to give a date incase I miss it. iPhone, iPad and Mac will all come at once though. Not much longer.

@BenRiceM “Black Mirror Season 7 Release Date and Cast Revealed”

Had a few people ask how you might go from a scrolling grid to a PageView, à la Photos app.

Using matchedGeometry will get you most of the way there, then it’s just a few little extras to keep both views in sync.

I’ve added some new sample code in the project to show how:

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There is something incredibly cathartic about running your own Mastodon instance and being able to block an entire instance in a single click.

A thousand ‘free-speech extremists’ screaming into the void.

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This will likely be a sentiment shared by many of you already, but I still feel compelled to say it each time I see fresh nonsense:

Leave 👏 trans 👏 people 👏 alone 👏

@ikkeleif Hello! I posted an update here. There will be a new build out before the current one expires.


@bardi @BenRiceM there are some things us mere mortals just aren't meant to know.

@BenRiceM that said, if you do have a very big data set it’s best to use the next/previous initialiser instead of the ForEach.

In Big Mail I’ve mapped the next/prev closure to a DB call that returns the next message ID.

@BenRiceM all the styles are lazy loaded, so go for it!

(⚠️ NOT SO BIG LTD cannot be held liable for thumb injuries sustained from all that swiping)

This is the first of many packages from Big Mail and Big News that I’ll be open sourcing over the coming weeks.

It’s also my first time open sourcing anything this big, so feedback whilst I get the hang of things is appreciated!

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Certain styles such as .scroll and .historyStack bridge directly to UIPageViewController and NSViewController respectively, so you get all those great native behaviours.

But you can also adopt PageViewStyle to create completely custom transitions, like the 3D deck of cards in Messages.

Checkout the docs to see how:

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New SwiftUI package drop!

📦📖 BigUIPaging

PageView is a flexible container for creating paged interfaces.

Unlike TabView:
- Pages can be decided 'in flight’, ideal for large datasets
- Works across iOS and macOS
- Handles complicated view hierarchies more consistently
- Allows for totally custom styles and interactions

Also included is PageIndicator with support for the new iOS 17 progress timer.

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The Not So Big Company

The home of The Not So Big Company on Mastodon.