New SwiftUI package drop!

📦📖 BigUIPaging

PageView is a flexible container for creating paged interfaces.

Unlike TabView:
- Pages can be decided 'in flight’, ideal for large datasets
- Works across iOS and macOS
- Handles complicated view hierarchies more consistently
- Allows for totally custom styles and interactions

Also included is PageIndicator with support for the new iOS 17 progress timer.

@phill How would this handle.. a hundred thousand items?


@BenRiceM all the styles are lazy loaded, so go for it!

(⚠️ NOT SO BIG LTD cannot be held liable for thumb injuries sustained from all that swiping)

@BenRiceM that said, if you do have a very big data set it’s best to use the next/previous initialiser instead of the ForEach.

In Big Mail I’ve mapped the next/prev closure to a DB call that returns the next message ID.

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