@cliophate I refreshed App Store Connect about 30 seconds after hitting send to check the link, and it was showing 101/100. I didn’t know it was possible to go over the limit!
@tomk Those are great shouts! And yes please, I'll shoot you an invite once I've got a few of the issues from this round buttoned up :-)
@freddiewrites I hope he does too...it's so sunny! 🌞
@tobyx That was originally how it worked! The problem is iOS treats silent push notifications as low priority, so out in the wild it just wasn't working properly. Annoying as it was pretty cool when it did work!
@tobyx yup all syncs with BMO!
Only downside to being all on device is you can’t do selective push notifications. Would love to say “notify me of new messages in my Conversations Smartbox”. Hopefully Apple can do something about that one day.
@tomk my life literally runs on post-it notes! If a todo isn’t in my immediate vision then it doesn’t exist.
I made the notes UI so you can slap a giant sticky on a message for that exact reason.
Pinned messages is another one. They stay anchored to the bottom. If they go into a folder like other apps, then I’ll just forget I put them there.
There’s also immediate triage (reply later, canned responses, etc) with reminders.
It’s an ADHD friendly app by accident; I just built what I needed!
@tobyx you can do a remarkable amount of filtering on device with just the email headers if you get creative. Pulling a couple thousand of those down over IMAP takes seconds. And modern iPhones are so powerful now sorting through them is near instant. It probably wouldn’t have been possible to build this app a few years ago.
@tobyx yeah Mail is a solid app for the most part!
I’m leaving spam filtering to mail providers atm, but I could imagine that’s a fun juicy problem to tackle in the future!
No schedule send yet either for the exact reasons you mention. I think to do it properly it would need to be a Big Mail Online thing. Needs more thought :-)
@jknlsn I guess people see a company name and don’t think who’s behind it (guilty too sometimes!)
And excited to get it to you! Hopefully shake out a few more bugs beforehand.
@tomk Probably the only 'helpful' aspect of my ADHD is massively overestimating my abilities going into new projects 😂. I'd never have started otherwise!
But yes, it's Big Mail or bust now.
@via aha the busiest (and buggiest) time of the year! I'll do another drop next week once I've buttoned up a few more issues.
And I don’t mean to pick on this one dude. If you’ve never built anything like Big Mail before and you see other apps with huge betas, it’s fair to wonder why!
The challenge with Big Mail is every (and I mean EVERY) provider works differently. Then pile on each client doing their own thing. Then throw in a push and sync service.
It’s a lot of moving parts on a new stack I built from scratch. So yeah it’ll take a minute! 😅
@JRP69 yup! Emails will go out later this afternoon :-)
Very excited to hear more about animated SF Symbols!
I've made a few of these myself in Big Mail by hand.
The new key framing API looks like it'll make this a lot easier, too. #SwiftUI
@bardi don't push it.
@adam maybe porn will be big on this thing.
🏳️🌈 Founder / Maker
Building that new email app.
Swift and rollercoasters are my thing.
Recovering VC.