1. If you just ask I usually do my best to accommodate you 🤓

2. 80% of the crashes last night were caused by 1 bug. It’s now fixed. So that’s 80% less people messaging me next time.

When you’re just one guy building something fairly complicated, that makes a huge difference!


And I don’t mean to pick on this one dude. If you’ve never built anything like Big Mail before and you see other apps with huge betas, it’s fair to wonder why!

The challenge with Big Mail is every (and I mean EVERY) provider works differently. Then pile on each client doing their own thing. Then throw in a push and sync service.

It’s a lot of moving parts on a new stack I built from scratch. So yeah it’ll take a minute! 😅

@phill augh just realized I missed the sign up period 😞 WWDC period really is hectic, I don’t envy you having to deal with launching even if it is “just” a TestFlight… people can suck sometimes

@via aha the busiest (and buggiest) time of the year! I'll do another drop next week once I've buttoned up a few more issues.

@phill I didn’t know that! What a project to take on. Bet there’s no going back now :)

@tomk Probably the only 'helpful' aspect of my ADHD is massively overestimating my abilities going into new projects 😂. I'd never have started otherwise!

But yes, it's Big Mail or bust now.

@phill And I did not know that either! Now that you mention that, what are some things in Big Mail that you came up with to help with your ADHD? Context: I have ASD and find that I have a lot of the same challenges people with ADHD have.

@tomk my life literally runs on post-it notes! If a todo isn’t in my immediate vision then it doesn’t exist.

I made the notes UI so you can slap a giant sticky on a message for that exact reason.

Pinned messages is another one. They stay anchored to the bottom. If they go into a folder like other apps, then I’ll just forget I put them there.

There’s also immediate triage (reply later, canned responses, etc) with reminders.

It’s an ADHD friendly app by accident; I just built what I needed!

@phill I love it. Especially that stack at the bottom. Will it also animate at random so the stack stays “fresh”? Could help? Funny that my mind works the same way. Marketing-wise maybe you could contact a nice ADHD podcast to chat about BM and how you designed some of this stuff. I also love TimeFinder which is made by someone with ADHD as well. Do let me know if you need some fresh ASD eyes on BM.

@tomk Those are great shouts! And yes please, I'll shoot you an invite once I've got a few of the issues from this round buttoned up :-)

@phill Perfect. Always happy to help.

Another great ADHD app is Routinery, which I’ve been using daily for almost a year. Helps stick to a routine like pomodoro but with custom durations for each step in your routine. Helps with not slacking off because you get reminded when time’s up and 1-2-5-10 minutes if you haven’t completed it yet.

@phill Well, this might be the strongest baby reaction to missing out on the first slots that I’ve seen 🫠 Sorry you have to put up with this nonsense! I hope he goes outside this weekend.

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