1. If you just ask I usually do my best to accommodate you 🤓

2. 80% of the crashes last night were caused by 1 bug. It’s now fixed. So that’s 80% less people messaging me next time.

When you’re just one guy building something fairly complicated, that makes a huge difference!

@phill that beta yesterday was gone so fast, I felt like back to Ivory testing days. Got the mail, clicked it immediately, gone! 😄

You got any stats how fast the 100 were gone?


@cliophate I refreshed App Store Connect about 30 seconds after hitting send to check the link, and it was showing 101/100. I didn’t know it was possible to go over the limit!

@phill well, kinda wished I was that one! 😄 I took longer than 30 secs but barely. I think I was still sub 1 minute.

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