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Ok I have to be missing something here. If you add a selection binding to a List (let's say you want to edit it), then that seemingly renders all NavigationLinks in the List unusable. Surely not!?

Please someone, anyone, tell me I'm holding it wrong!

Bugs happen, I get it, I write buggy software too. But my god, I have never in my 14 years of writing apps for iOS have the ground move beneath me as much as it has with . A couple of issues every now and then I can forgive, but it's not. It's every update, something has broken or changed.

It may be a beautifully expressive framework, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't work reliably, all the time, every time.

Something is deeply and systemically wrong with it.

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Here's the exact same code running on iOS 16.2. It works just fine.

And I’m sorry if I sound like a twat, but the SwiftUI team HAVE to get a grip on this. I cannot tell you how many hours I waste wondering "Wait, is that something I broke?!”

I'm being gaslit by a UI framework!

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Arghhh. Another regression in 16.4: NavigationSplitView won’t animate the first push of the detail column if the content column goes from List, to no List. Again, this worked just fine in prior releases! (FB12175649)

On iPad, hitting search will hide the suggestions.

On iPhone, hitting search does nothing, they just get stuck there.

And this is code pretty much lifted from Apple's own docs. Maddening.

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On iPad, the suggestions briefly show, then vanish. Why? I have no idea! It never used to do that, now it does.

(It also doesn't show the icon, for...reasons?)

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On iPhone, the suggestions will appear on presentation (great!), but if you tap a suggestion, then type just a little too fast, the caret position gets messed up.

Do this enough, it'll eventually crash, throwing an exception from some private _UIObscurableTextContentStorage class.

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The .searchable() modifier has to be hands down, the most unreliable, inconsistent API to ever come out of Apple.

Not only does the behaviour of it change drastically between dot releases, it's next to impossible to get it to behave in a coherent way across all platforms.

I shouldn't install a minor OS update and have my app change like this. SwiftUI is so bad at this.

And no, I don't want to spend hours filing a feedback!

Wow, some people really getting their knickers in a twist over that Humane demo aye 😅

Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating today ❤️🌙

Web LLM runs the vicuna-7b Large Language Model entirely in your browser, and it’s very impressive

Yep - confirmed with a small sample app. The issue is due to the fact that on iPhone, token searches open up a full screen ‘Picker' with a search bar on top, so you can select the tokens, or search manually. The problem is that when hitting the ‘search' button (whether you selected a token or not), it doesn't dismiss the picker to go back to your list, it just sits there.

Feedback filed: FB12105057

/cc @ricketson @curtclifton

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Anybody else notice the behaviour of .searchable(text:tokens:suggestedTokens:) changed in iOS 16.4? The old behaviour was to hide suggestions on return. Now they always display, and there doesn't seem to be a way to hide them?

I see a bunch of search stuff got deprecated in 16.4, but I'm not using any of that.

This kinda stuff breaking/changing between dot releases is such a huge time sink ☹️

Undo/Scheduled Send is one of those features that seems like it would be trivial to implement (just delay sending the message, duh!)

But delay long enough and iOS will kill your app. And if you are terminated, how do you guarantee waking up at the right time to send? There's no public API to do this.

For Big Mail I've had to get creative, ultimately relying on a cloud component.

(Apple Mail is allowed to cheat somehow, of course 🫢)

Today is — so I would like to celebrate my beautiful brother Andy! 🎉

(and Happy Birthday for last week 🎂)

I often find myself needing to make a small edit, or perhaps just try something out quickly, and it completely kills any flow I had.

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