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Had a poke around Thunderbird's source to see how they stop Gmail duplicating messages…

…turns out they just hide them in their UI…

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I could detect if I'm connected to Gmail and just not append of course, but I'd like to understand what's happening.

Inspecting Apple Mail's traffic, I can see it's appending to All Mail as well, but it doesn't seem to ever duplicate. Perplexing.

If anyone knows anything I'd be very interested!

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Posting incase any IMAP/SMTP buffs follow me:

Gmail copies whatever is sent via SMTP into IMAP. If you try to APPEND the same message to Sent, you get a dupe.

If you APPEND to All Mail though, then immediately store a \Sent label, it doesn't duplicate…90% of the time.

So why does this work most of the time, but sometimes fail?

When it's working the server seems to return both EXPUNGE and EXISTS simultaneously. If it fails, you only get an EXISTS.

My dog is quite poorly, so I phoned my parents hoping for a few comforting words.

"Well Phill, she is quite old now”

Thanks guys – just what I was after!

Always pleasantly surprised to find new ways of using ChatGPT.

Today, debugging invisible characters I can't see.

Question for my Swift friends:
I'm seeing "lowerBound <= upperBound" crashes in a function similar to this.

If the range is constrained by another range (the line), how is it possible for it to go out of bounds?

What am I missing? Seems fine on all inputs I can think of.

And I don’t mean to pick on this one dude. If you’ve never built anything like Big Mail before and you see other apps with huge betas, it’s fair to wonder why!

The challenge with Big Mail is every (and I mean EVERY) provider works differently. Then pile on each client doing their own thing. Then throw in a push and sync service.

It’s a lot of moving parts on a new stack I built from scratch. So yeah it’ll take a minute! 😅

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1. If you just ask I usually do my best to accommodate you 🤓

2. 80% of the crashes last night were caused by 1 bug. It’s now fixed. So that’s 80% less people messaging me next time.

When you’re just one guy building something fairly complicated, that makes a huge difference!

Very excited to hear more about animated SF Symbols!

I've made a few of these myself in Big Mail by hand.

The new key framing API looks like it'll make this a lot easier, too.

They compared it to the original Mac, iPod and iPhone.

But on day 1 those products were immediately and obviously better than anything that came before them.

Mac? An easy to use computer.
iPod? A better Walkman.
iPhone? A computer to go!

What does this do for us?

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Perhaps I’ll have some magical transformational experience trying it on, but I just don’t understand this headset at all.

Apple had a chance to pitch why I should care, and they came up short. Why is this better?

“But imagine a future form factor!”

Okay, well if my grandma had wheels she'd be a bike.

Damn, this was such a great interview with @christianselig by @snazzyq 👏

I really hope Reddit reconsider. Apps like Apollo are what make these platforms so great (translation: actually usable).

What a way to kneecap one of your greatest assets.

I moved it into the ToolbarItem when I was recording the iPad promo videos, as it was presenting from the whole view, not the button, and it looked naff.

But now I guess I can't have that without iPhone transitions breaking.

This framework is exhausting.

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So I noticed NavigationStack transitions had stopped working in Big Mail...again.

After spending an hour working back through my commits to find what stupid thing is causing it this time, the offender is…

...drumroll please…🥁

✨ Presenting a confirmation dialogue from a ToolbarItem ✨

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