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@clickhere @cianmm VanMoof entered administration 5pm yesterday (they ran out of money, basically). Whilst in theory they could restructure and continue trading, that almost certainly won’t happen in practice. No sane investor will go near them; their liabilities are just way too big, and their new product in unproven. The best we can hope for is someone acquiring the IP and continuing to manufacture parts.

@jan completely agree. Obviously there needed be some sort of encryption for the lock to work, but the key could have been made user exportable in the app or something.

@meesj I believe an Android version is on the way, but don't quote me on that!

Edit: I've been told it's ‘coming imminently’!

@namenlostv I'm not sure about S1 but I will pass your message on to them!

If VanMoof’s servers go offline, it’ll be impossible to retrieve this key and you’ll lose access to your bike forever.

It’s really awesome to see Cowboy step in so quickly and help keep these bikes on the road!

They've stressed it's a beta, but it worked great on my Moof.

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Own a VanMoof? You need to act NOW and backup your bike's key.

The folks at Cowboy just published "Bikey” and it makes this really easy.

They were kind enough to send me a preview build yesterday and it works great!

@nmn quick q actually: did the duplicated Smartboxes go away?

@gryzor @abapBastian yeah precisely this. Why is your phone encrypted and signed? Same deal.

As of yesterday they started issuing 10 year certificates, so looks like they're taking steps to maximise the life of these things.

@martinpallmann ooft sorry to hear! Thank goodness it was only 50 EUR though…

Own a X/S5? These models use key/pair instead. VanMoof was issuing certificates valid for 7 days only, so kinda pointless exporting.

However it looks like they have started issuing 10 year certificates (might explain why app went down yesterday).

Here’s a gist to export them:

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@felixsteininger to unlock it and adjust any settings (assist level, bell, etc). Plus trip data.

@Iudex030 the app can still unlock, just a question mark around long term support for it.

@nmn ha, either is fine! I usually take no reply as a reply anyways 😛

@abdulhadikh all notifications are realtime, so just "Enable Notifications"

@voxmatt hard to say right now until the administrators announce their plans.

Best case someone acquires their IP/brand and continues manufacturing parts.

Worst case, the bikes become paperweights very soon.

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