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@jschwa1 that’s a road Epson and others have spent years going down and there’s very little demand for such a product. Apple is in the business of mass consumer electronics. I have a hard time seeing very many people wanting this on their face.

@jschwa1 even if they they got the price down and somehow magically miniaturised everything (bear in mind they can’t even ship what they’ve shown us yesterday), it still doesn’t answer the why. What problem is this thing actually solving?

They compared it to the original Mac, iPod and iPhone.

But on day 1 those products were immediately and obviously better than anything that came before them.

Mac? An easy to use computer.
iPod? A better Walkman.
iPhone? A computer to go!

What does this do for us?

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Perhaps I’ll have some magical transformational experience trying it on, but I just don’t understand this headset at all.

Apple had a chance to pitch why I should care, and they came up short. Why is this better?

“But imagine a future form factor!”

Okay, well if my grandma had wheels she'd be a bike.

@rlfb calling it a screen was actually quite generous…it's more, uhh, alert dialogue box 😅

@rlfb @trakt @sequel this looks 🔥 🔥 🔥

I am now totally embarrassed by my merge screen, so thank you for shaming me into improving it 😂

Damn, this was such a great interview with @christianselig by @snazzyq 👏

I really hope Reddit reconsider. Apps like Apollo are what make these platforms so great (translation: actually usable).

What a way to kneecap one of your greatest assets.

@curtclifton np! And if it’s helpful, I've also noticed it happens if you multitask out of the app and back again (no confirmationDialogue now, just NavigationStack with a path)

@curtclifton Just filed one for you now FB12223120. It seems to only occur if the NavigationStack has a path bound to an ObservableObject.

There's also a similar issue where NavigationSplitView will fail to animate pushes of the detail column if the content column changes from being a List (FB12178616)

Hope that helps!

I moved it into the ToolbarItem when I was recording the iPad promo videos, as it was presenting from the whole view, not the button, and it looked naff.

But now I guess I can't have that without iPhone transitions breaking.

This framework is exhausting.

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So I noticed NavigationStack transitions had stopped working in Big Mail...again.

After spending an hour working back through my commits to find what stupid thing is causing it this time, the offender is…

...drumroll please…🥁

✨ Presenting a confirmation dialogue from a ToolbarItem ✨

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