@phill oh that’s weird. I would love a feedback if you have a chance to file. I don’t know why that wouldn’t work, so there’s likely an interesting bug lurking somewhere deep. Sorry for the frustration.
@curtclifton Just filed one for you now FB12223120. It seems to only occur if the NavigationStack has a path bound to an ObservableObject.
There's also a similar issue where NavigationSplitView will fail to animate pushes of the detail column if the content column changes from being a List (FB12178616)
Hope that helps!
@curtclifton np! And if it’s helpful, I've also noticed it happens if you multitask out of the app and back again (no confirmationDialogue now, just NavigationStack with a path) https://gist.github.com/phillipcaudell/5871cc1690bbdbe40b3d01cbf8bf85ee
@phill that’s an interesting clue. The system screenshots apps in various configurations when backgrounding. This supports the App Switcher. It got more aggressive about that on iPhone in iOS 16.