So I noticed NavigationStack transitions had stopped working in Big Mail...again.

After spending an hour working back through my commits to find what stupid thing is causing it this time, the offender is…

...drumroll please…🥁

✨ Presenting a confirmation dialogue from a ToolbarItem ✨

@phill oh that’s weird. I would love a feedback if you have a chance to file. I don’t know why that wouldn’t work, so there’s likely an interesting bug lurking somewhere deep. Sorry for the frustration.

@curtclifton Just filed one for you now FB12223120. It seems to only occur if the NavigationStack has a path bound to an ObservableObject.

There's also a similar issue where NavigationSplitView will fail to animate pushes of the detail column if the content column changes from being a List (FB12178616)

Hope that helps!


@curtclifton np! And if it’s helpful, I've also noticed it happens if you multitask out of the app and back again (no confirmationDialogue now, just NavigationStack with a path)

· Edited · · Ivory for Mac · 1 · 0 · 0

@phill that’s an interesting clue. The system screenshots apps in various configurations when backgrounding. This supports the App Switcher. It got more aggressive about that on iPhone in iOS 16.

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