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@Techsalot I’m talking about the “Create Station” from a track. It just seems to randomly cut out after 5 or so tracks. Very annoying!

@keir agreed! Even with seemingly everything closed I still can't work out why they stop working?! Maddening!

@keir amazing, thank you!!

"Because the media keys in macOS control whatever app is foremost, or was last. Maybe? It's confusing.”


What do you do for a living, Phill???

I yank a browser window around and admire how my website breaks in unique and interesting ways each time.

@bardi Nice!

And delaying materials till the 11th hour…don't know what you're talking about

@bardi I wish I could quote tweet on this platform >:(

Btw I love the video! What did you make it in?

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1. How do I get the media keys on my Mac to work 100% of the time, instead of 65/75%?

2. How I do get Apple Music stations to keep playing past 5 tracks?

It's hard to believe I started work on Big Mail over two years ago.

I went into it all with a certain naivety (you don't know what you don't know). I've learnt so much since then (mainly how not to do things 😅)

Feeling very grateful to have a second go at it.

email is great i love how everyone puts their own unique spin on formatting things

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