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@eierund Ahh that's such a bummer. Apparently the rev b addresses some of the problems with the e-shifter/smart cartridge, so I'm hoping that'll save me…but we’ll see…😅

Have you taken a look at Cowbow? Probably the most comparable in terms of design

@eierund Oh no! Out of interest, was it the S3 Rev B / 2021 model? And yeh London has a hub, but still dreading anything going wrong with it 😅

@eierund aha I read all the horror stories before buying it, but 400 miles so far without a hitch! Absolutely love this thing.

Congratulations to the 2023 year's Apple Design Award finalists. Some truly brilliant and beautiful apps and games! 😍 🙌

Winners will be announced at WWDC23.

@_Davidsmith Yup. To workaround, you need to force the body to be re-evaluated (add an EmptyView or something)

@rmondello Hey Ricky! 👋

Don't suppose you have any advice on Passkeys and App Review? I'm assuming it's not possible to provide them one atm given the only share option is via Airdrop?

Appreciate any thoughts you might have! 🔑

@alex ehh I can't imagine anyone at App Review following those instructions 😛

So uhhh. Let's say you have an app that uses Passkeys exclusively….how do I provide a login to App Review? 🤨

@amxmln I get it, and I think there are certain software categories where it still makes sense. But the reality is most apps have gotten more complicated, and more interconnected than they’ve ever been. People expect things to run on all of their devices, all of the time. That requires a very different business model from even 10 years ago. The alternative, sadly, is that they don’t exist at all.

You can say you’ve got the price wrong — that’s fine! — but if you’re taking an ideological position that all subscriptions are inherently wrong (and subsequently review bomb any dev who has the audacity of creating a viable business), well, you’re not a serious person.

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The people who complain about subs are always disproportionately louder than those who have zero problem paying a fair price for something they enjoy using.

I know this, because I see it in my sales vs reviews!

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People are still debating app subscriptions in 2023?


A protocol that can immediately and irreversibly delete my emails, just from the simple act of checking if I have any…wow, that’s powerful stuff

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Yeh the Gmail API is cool and all, but you know what’s cooler?


Sheety serves up 56 GB of *text* every 24 hours now.

Hey, I think I’m getting the hang of this web services thing!

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