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Evri saying “We’ve got your parcel” feels more like a threat than anything else

(I like Gruber and I understand his sentiment but the way I cackled at that punchline 😂)

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*highlights a thing that is ✨literally✨ happening now on the App Store*


@montyhayter the backend understands Mail’s flags, but it’s yet to be exposed in the UI. I’m on the fence about including it as there’s a number of provider specific quirks.

The Starred Smartbox can be set to include / exclude any mailboxes you like.

Man I would save so much time if I just did things right the first time.

And for the record, I think some devs SHOULD be treated differently.

It makes sense for Apple to help Spotify have the best app possible because guess what: IT HELPS TO SELL IPHONES.

No one is buying a phone they can’t run apps on. Apple’s position of “be grateful” is just detached from reality at this point. Totally bizarre.

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@jknlsn I think you’re supposed to say “Tim Cook” three times whilst looking into a mirror on a full moon.

Of course it’s kinda funny that even within a single press release they can’t make a coherent argument.

“Everyone is equal! Except for some select developers. And everyone loves the App Store! Except when we got so much ‘feedback’ we had to change it.”


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Guys I can’t see the “FedEx me an Apple Engineer” option in App Store Connect??

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Found this little baby in our garden. No microchip. No response to posters I put up. Shelter said they are full.

I guess I have a kitty now…?

Finally got around to watching The Curse finale…


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