1. If you just ask I usually do my best to accommodate you 🤓

2. 80% of the crashes last night were caused by 1 bug. It’s now fixed. So that’s 80% less people messaging me next time.

When you’re just one guy building something fairly complicated, that makes a huge difference!

And I don’t mean to pick on this one dude. If you’ve never built anything like Big Mail before and you see other apps with huge betas, it’s fair to wonder why!

The challenge with Big Mail is every (and I mean EVERY) provider works differently. Then pile on each client doing their own thing. Then throw in a push and sync service.

It’s a lot of moving parts on a new stack I built from scratch. So yeah it’ll take a minute! 😅

@phill Well, this might be the strongest baby reaction to missing out on the first slots that I’ve seen 🫠 Sorry you have to put up with this nonsense! I hope he goes outside this weekend.

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