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The people who complain about subs are always disproportionately louder than those who have zero problem paying a fair price for something they enjoy using.

I know this, because I see it in my sales vs reviews!

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People are still debating app subscriptions in 2023?


A protocol that can immediately and irreversibly delete my emails, just from the simple act of checking if I have any…wow, that’s powerful stuff

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Yeh the Gmail API is cool and all, but you know what’s cooler?


Sheety serves up 56 GB of *text* every 24 hours now.

Hey, I think I’m getting the hang of this web services thing!

Show thread passed 70,000 users today 🎉

To all my Sheety customers: thank you for funding Big Mail

If I gave the compiler anymore context I'd be giving it the assembly

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"Let me just do a quick refactor and make some of these functions generics"

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Me: I should do something Apple will never do


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There is one particular feature in Big Mail 2, that is so unbelievably stupid, I cannot believe I'm actually gonna ship it.

Live your dreams people! ✉️🪓

Another day, another IMAP server makes the naughty list.

Server: “Hey, I can totally do that!”

Big Mail: "Okay great, here’s that command!”


Me: Hmm, I’m struggling to align this unread indicator, let’s see how Apple does it in Mail

Apple Mail:

This concludes this morning's stream of consciousness.

Tune in tomorrow!

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Writing these packages has also been a fun exercise in how to design APIs now that we have concurrency.

For example, subscribing to IMAP idles (pushed events), I borrowed the 'updates' pattern used in the new StoreKit 2 API. It's an AsyncStream that just runs forever, and gets iterated over when new events occur.

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Big Mail 2, nay, ALL my apps, wouldn't be possible if it weren't for the generous contributions of others in the OS community.

I can't wait to give back, so that's why I plan to open source all of Big Mail's core packages: SwiftIMAP, SwiftSMTP, and SwiftEmail.

They're all super Swifty, modern, and hopefully instantly familiar to anyone who's used Foundation.

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