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This is one of those “one a billion” things. Structural failure is almost unheard of. And to be running a train over it? Huge yikes.

Thankfully no one was hurt. Curious to find out what happened!

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Intamin: Some of our components explode.

B&M: Hold my beer.

(Fury 325: a relatively new Hypercoaster

Radiant just went live on Product Hunt! 🔥

Would appreciate you checking it out, and letting me know what you think 🙏

It turns out I don't need to build my own!

I discovered we can combine components directly from the SF Symbols app. I just had to duplicate the existing "house.fill" symbol as a custom symbol, then combine with the slash. Perfect! 🤩

This can be done for other shapes too like circle!

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I may have just made this up, but what's the name of that Mac utility that does useful text transformations like uppercase, base64 decode/encode, diffing, etc etc?

And he was fine with third party apps until he realised the developers were making money? Really?

This guy doesn’t have a coherent world view. And by being so defensive is obviously clutching at straws.

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OpenAI aren’t gonna pay anything. They’ll just ‘accidentally’ ingest Reddit.

To alienate your top users over a few million dollars is incredibly stupid.

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Had a poke around Thunderbird's source to see how they stop Gmail duplicating messages…

…turns out they just hide them in their UI…

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I could detect if I'm connected to Gmail and just not append of course, but I'd like to understand what's happening.

Inspecting Apple Mail's traffic, I can see it's appending to All Mail as well, but it doesn't seem to ever duplicate. Perplexing.

If anyone knows anything I'd be very interested!

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Posting incase any IMAP/SMTP buffs follow me:

Gmail copies whatever is sent via SMTP into IMAP. If you try to APPEND the same message to Sent, you get a dupe.

If you APPEND to All Mail though, then immediately store a \Sent label, it doesn't duplicate…90% of the time.

So why does this work most of the time, but sometimes fail?

When it's working the server seems to return both EXPUNGE and EXISTS simultaneously. If it fails, you only get an EXISTS.

My dog is quite poorly, so I phoned my parents hoping for a few comforting words.

"Well Phill, she is quite old now”

Thanks guys – just what I was after!

Always pleasantly surprised to find new ways of using ChatGPT.

Today, debugging invisible characters I can't see.

Question for my Swift friends:
I'm seeing "lowerBound <= upperBound" crashes in a function similar to this.

If the range is constrained by another range (the line), how is it possible for it to go out of bounds?

What am I missing? Seems fine on all inputs I can think of.

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