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What do you do for a living, Phill???

I yank a browser window around and admire how my website breaks in unique and interesting ways each time.

Hello World.

We just launched on Product Hunt 🎉

Check out the trailer below, and, if you like what you see — or if you want to support an indie shop — then please consider an [Upvote] (and helping spread the word today).

Vote here:

Thanks for considering 🫶🏼


1. How do I get the media keys on my Mac to work 100% of the time, instead of 65/75%?

2. How I do get Apple Music stations to keep playing past 5 tracks?

It's hard to believe I started work on Big Mail over two years ago.

I went into it all with a certain naivety (you don't know what you don't know). I've learnt so much since then (mainly how not to do things 😅)

Feeling very grateful to have a second go at it.

email is great i love how everyone puts their own unique spin on formatting things

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Congratulations to the 2023 year's Apple Design Award finalists. Some truly brilliant and beautiful apps and games! 😍 🙌

Winners will be announced at WWDC23.

So uhhh. Let's say you have an app that uses Passkeys exclusively….how do I provide a login to App Review? 🤨

You can say you’ve got the price wrong — that’s fine! — but if you’re taking an ideological position that all subscriptions are inherently wrong (and subsequently review bomb any dev who has the audacity of creating a viable business), well, you’re not a serious person.

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The people who complain about subs are always disproportionately louder than those who have zero problem paying a fair price for something they enjoy using.

I know this, because I see it in my sales vs reviews!

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People are still debating app subscriptions in 2023?


A protocol that can immediately and irreversibly delete my emails, just from the simple act of checking if I have any…wow, that’s powerful stuff

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Yeh the Gmail API is cool and all, but you know what’s cooler?


Sheety serves up 56 GB of *text* every 24 hours now.

Hey, I think I’m getting the hang of this web services thing!

Show thread passed 70,000 users today 🎉

To all my Sheety customers: thank you for funding Big Mail

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The Not So Big Company

The home of The Not So Big Company on Mastodon.