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@mathiasemil it should be way easier than it currently is. Will definitely share thoughts properly at some point!

live scenes of me keeping all size classes and platforms working from a single target

@dominic slight hold up with iPad, hopefully not much longer 🤞

@dimitribouniol not sure if it’s still the case now, but when we worked on earthquake alerts with the Red Cross/USGS the shake resolution started out very low and covered a wide area. After about 5/10 minutes it was much more precise, but was too late to use as part of the notification pipeline.

Alarm fatigue is real though and was by far the number one complaint we got!

As of beta 6 it seems to be reporting the wrong value if more than one row is selected on iPad.

I've filed a feedback for any Apple folk who see this 👉 FB13014204

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Happy to see iOS 17 now gives our views a way to respond to the List selection style.

By reading the backgroundProminence value in the environment our custom controls, say an unread indicator, can adjust their tint as not to be occluded by the background:

@ryanlintott yeah that part is okay (I set it with the focussed value), the issue is the keyboard shortcut itself has already been taken by the system, but there seems to be no way to access it ☹️

@marksmith yeah I wondered that too, but even without a keyboard presented/connected it still complains. I thought maybe TextEditingCommands() was adding some, but it doesn’t look like it. Perplexing!

Blahhh, it also looks like toolbar customisations are reset when the view identity changes. It works on iPad so I’m not sure if it's intentional (plus seems like it would defeat the purpose of specifying a toolbar identifier?)

No customisation on the Mac for now then 😢

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@curtclifton this is on Ventura 13.4.1 (I can try on 13.5.1 when I restart later)

Here's a fun SwiftUI bug: customisable toolbars on the Mac won't persist changes if there's a searchable modifier in the view hierarchy. Remove search, works fine.

🤷‍♂️ (FB12999760)

I'm stumped on how to add an undo keyboard shortcut on iPad. I'm using the environment's UndoManager. On the Mac, Undo appears in the Edit menu and "just works”.

I tried adding my own button, but UIKit throws a messaging saying it's duplicate, so I assume there is one but it's hidden?

Any ideas would be very much appreciated!

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