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@bardi hello you. I captured the simulator window. You then need to crop and mask it in the editor. You can save a preset for the mask but it'll forget the crop each time.

I think they're working on actual device capture, but until then...have fun!

@dominic unfortunately Fastmail don’t expose it in their IMAP api, so it’s just Gmail. But you can still use labels in Big Mail, they just don’t reflect on the web.

@dominic hmm that is odd I’ll take a look at what you sent and get back to you.

@dominic Fastmail is working fine here, could you pop a message to with what the issue is exactly? Cheers

@dominic iPad will be enabled in the next couple of weeks. Mac is about a month or two behind that.

Radiant just went live on Product Hunt! 🔥

Would appreciate you checking it out, and letting me know what you think 🙏

It turns out I don't need to build my own!

I discovered we can combine components directly from the SF Symbols app. I just had to duplicate the existing "house.fill" symbol as a custom symbol, then combine with the slash. Perfect! 🤩

This can be done for other shapes too like circle!

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@dominic it should pop to the next message but it’s broken atm. I’ll add it to known issues 🙂

@schalksernst ha no definitely something I wondered too! Will keep an eye out for it in the feedback.

@schalksernst the thinking was 99% of the time it’s unnecessary to change it as long as it Does The Right Thing™ (that is just reply from whatever address it was originally sent to). But definitely open to feedback on it!

@schalksernst so glad! I did a notice a small issue this morning where if you don’t have the alias setup, it defaults to completely the wrong account, but I’ll fix that in next update. 🤓

@schalksernst so after a little digging I’m able to recreate this. There’s a part in the pipeline that is expecting 7bit octets, and it’s getting 8. I haven’t actually seen an 8bit email in the wild before (they’re relatively ‘new’ by email standards), so it’s helpful to know they come from Thunderbird. Thanks for spotting it!

@dominic I use both because of Workspace, so hard to say. Fastmail has the better IMAP implementation though!

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