I think iOS 17.2+ introduced a regression in how #SwiftUI scrollPosition works when used on a VStack with a custom View. Still happening in iOS 17.4 and iOS 17.5.

• It's working fine in iOS 17.0.
• It's working fine if I don't use a custom View, but use an inline View in the VStack.
• It's working fine if I use a LazyVStack (unfortunately in my real app I can't because I don't want my View to take all available width).

I filed FB13810989, and hope for a fix in iOS 18!

cc @curtclifton

@alpennec ugh what I would do if the only thing they announce in DubDub is ScrollView becoming fully accessible and reliable.


@bardi @alpennec

“I don't know if we can be trusted with such a weapon.”

— J. Robert Oppenheimer

@phill @alpennec need to watch the film now to see how SwiftUI ends.

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