I find that where SwiftUI bridges over to AppKit or UIKit, it's at its most buggy. Example: My toolbar buttons for a SwiftUI MacOS app go away when the detail view changes. Details: bdewey.com/til/2023/09/04/tool

@bdewey I’m not saying you are wrong at all. But I can say my experiences with macOS 14 have been really great. I keep trying things, and they keep on working as I’d expect. That hasn’t been true with earlier releases (no toolbar use so cannot speak there)

@mattiem You're giving me hope that this will be the exception rather than the rule. I'm so new to macOS that "operator error" is also a common problem.

@mattiem Also *minutes* after publishing the blog post, I was reading @chris chris.eidhof.nl/presentations/ and saw he uses `ZStack` instead of `Group` to put a wrapper around his conditional SwiftUI statements. On a whim I tried that in my repro... and it fixed the toolbar?! I'm equal parts relieved and sad... I spent so much time on this problem.


@bdewey @mattiem NavigationSplitView has a number of issues related to the column’s view identity changing. Group has no affect on layout whereas ZStack does, so I imagine that makes a difference when SwiftUI computes the body 🤷‍♂️ mastodon.notsobig.co/@phill/11

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