Some interesting differences about List on Mac:

1️⃣ Swipe Actions are eagerly loaded. On iOS these are lazily loaded.

2️⃣ List immediately buffers ~300 cell bodies. On iOS it's about 10.

3️⃣ Cells don't respond to isFocussed, whereas on iOS they do.

4️⃣ “Select All” will immediately buffer all cells and lock up your app.

@phill The more I learn about it, the more I wonder if SwiftUI on Mac was ultimately a mistake. Like maybe we’d be better off if SwiftUI was only for UIKit, and they leaned harder into legitimizing Catalyst.


@brandonhorst maybe, though hindsight is always 20/20. I really like SwiftUI, which is why it's so frustrating to see it let down by such an inconsistent implementation. We're year 4 now and the lack of maturity in some areas is really bothersome.

· Edited · · Ivory for Mac · 1 · 0 · 1

@phill You’re building cross platform, right? I suspect building a Mac-only app wouldn’t be so bad either, just avoid the problem children.

@brandonhorst that is definitely a big part of it, yes. Get something working on one platform, see it behave weird/broken on another.

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