Question for my iOS dev lovelies:

- Why are some iOS 17 crash reports available to view in Xcode, but some aren't?

- How do you go about tracking down exceptions that seem to be raised inside SwiftUI? (I don't use UICollectionView, but I assume LazyVStack does??)

@phill maybe helpful: I am also seeing exceptions in a non-lazy list related to UICollectionView. I just submitted a reproducible case to Apple (it was related to deleting rows).

As for missing reports, could it be the opt-in requirement?

@mattiem ohh yes I suppose it could be List as well (lots of deleting rows).

And hmm would opting out still show the crash in ASC? I see there has been a crash, but just no “Open in Xcode" button. I can open every single iOS 16 one, just hit or miss with iOS 17.

@phill oh I understand what you mean now. I don’t know! I’ve actually never used ASC for reporting myself 😅

No you must opt in to get reports to ASC (global opt-in rate is historically low, maybe ~25%).

@mattiem @phill We can get your opt-in rate by going to ASC -> Crash -> Opt-in only -> Opt-in Rate History.

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