@phill The latest update for Big Mail is really cool. The speed is just wow!


@schalksernst glad you like it! Still a few more dials to turn yet…⏱️

· Edited · · Ivory for iOS · 1 · 0 · 1

@phill Just sent you a crash report. Opening the smart trash folder crashes Big Mail. All other folders work. I suspect a message in there, but maybe it's some other weirdness. Maybe even iOS 17 beta related.

@schalksernst curious! So I understand, you have a Smartbox with a Trash mailbox type filter and opening it immediately crashes? Does it happen every single time? Is it only during sync? I’ll look for the report when I’m back at my desk 🙂

@phill to make answering easier I make it short (next meeting starts):

1.: yes
2.: yes
3.: no, every time


@schalksernst thank you!

I found your report but Apple doesn’t let us open iOS 17 crash reports yet (no idea why). I’ll have a little think how else we can troubleshoot.

@phill I could try to move all those mails into another folder and see if the smart box still crashes. and then, one by one readd the deleted mails. Maybe I can narrow down the culprit that way.

@schalksernst actually here’s two things to try where you don’t need to move anything;

1. Open each account’s regular Trash mailbox. Do any of them cause a crash?
2. Create a new Smartbox with a Mailbox Type filter of Trash. Does the new one crash as well?

@phill Moving the messages out of the trash makes the smart folder stop crashing. Funny thing now is: The messages don't show up in trash again after deleting them from their temporary folder. They show up in trash in other apps for that specific account but not in Big Mail. I even tried Messages Repair from Help, but this didn't make any difference. 🤔

@schalksernst ahh I think the repair message option won’t help here as it’s most likely the mailbox itself that’s lost track.

Annoyingly I think you’ll need to reset and restore from Big Mail Online. I’ll see if I can try recreate my side. Sorry about that!

@phill Nothing to be sorry about. Betas are exactly for that. Finding the annoyances.

@schalksernst as I complained your crash report has magically appeared in Xcode! I can see the problem and I can recreate it. I'll get it sorted in the next build.

A fresh sync should make it go away for now though.

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