Arghhh. Another regression in 16.4: NavigationSplitView won’t animate the first push of the detail column if the content column goes from List, to no List. Again, this worked just fine in prior releases! (FB12175649)

Here's the exact same code running on iOS 16.2. It works just fine.

And I’m sorry if I sound like a twat, but the SwiftUI team HAVE to get a grip on this. I cannot tell you how many hours I waste wondering "Wait, is that something I broke?!”

I'm being gaslit by a UI framework!

Bugs happen, I get it, I write buggy software too. But my god, I have never in my 14 years of writing apps for iOS have the ground move beneath me as much as it has with . A couple of issues every now and then I can forgive, but it's not. It's every update, something has broken or changed.

It may be a beautifully expressive framework, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't work reliably, all the time, every time.

Something is deeply and systemically wrong with it.

@phill leaving aside whether this bug should’ve shipped, what makes this so troubling is that you simply *cannot* downgrade. You can’t ship a custom SwiftUI version as a dependency. You get whatever your users have installed, and if Apple releases an OS update and it contains a change you have to workaround, you have zero days to prepare.

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