Okay, so by adding a .navigationDestination(for:) to the sidebar column, it fixes the content to detail column animation.

However, now the sidebar to content column animation is broken. I've tried fiddling around with .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.large), etc. Nada.

I need to lay down.

I refuse to sleep until I have found a solution to this, which is unfortunate, as it means I may never sleep again 🥲

I've now officially arrived in crazy town, and started wrapping UINavigationController myself.

What's interesting is that the SwiftUI environment is still automatically adding nav items to the controller, so I've actually got the same broken animations as with NavigationStack. At least it’s…consistent.

Running out of ideas now 😅

@phill I’m sure you almost got this! 🤓 Maybe a 5 min break is the push you need for it to make it work. Remember that active breaks (like a walk) always help but we never realise we needed till it’s too late 😉


@cocoataster this is probably the best advice I've received today 😅 Thank you!

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