Here's a prime example of what developers mean when they question "is SwiftUI ready for production?”

A simple menu. Left iOS 16.4. Right iOS 17.0.

One works. One fails. Same code.

I love SwiftUI, but it's this kind of thing that make me lose confidence in it.

@phill Yep, until SwiftUI will be stable across at least 3 OS releases, it's really hard to use it right now in larger, matura apps 🤔

Indie devs will have problems as well, it's ok to ship a new app with iOS 17 as requirement, but what about few years?


@kkolakowski @phill I feel like UIKit has only been “stable" since Apple's focus moved to SwiftUI. Before that, there was hardly a year without some change about NavigationBars, ScrollView insets or SafeAreas breaking everything…


@kaybutter @kkolakowski Sure, there were issues (see but I would argue the severity (and recourse) were very different.

One objective measure: my first Radar/Feedback was 2012. Historically I've done one or two a year. This year I've filed 13.

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