Own a VanMoof? You need to act NOW and backup your bike's key.

The folks at Cowboy just published "Bikey” and it makes this really easy.

They were kind enough to send me a preview build yesterday and it works great!


@giladronat @phill Thanks! Just cancelled my second bike (for London) and ordered the Cowboy Cruiser instead.


@steipete @giladronat wise choice! I hope no issues cancelling (if it was a VanMoof that is)

@phill @giladronat Oh I don’t wait for that, I opened a CC dispute on my March payment. If they pull this crap without clear communication, what do they expect.

@steipete @phill @giladronat

Get your dispute in now before they go bankrupt and there’s no money left.

@steipete I guess “hold off from buying while we go bankrupt” is not a helpful message so 🤷‍♂️

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