Little birdies tell me VanMoof has officially collapsed. They'll be making a statement shortly.

If you own one of their bikes now is the time to grab your encryption keys before their servers go offline.

Edit: Linking to the "Bikey" app which is a lot easier to use:

@phill not sure I understand how having a digital key to your eBike was a good idea.
Maybe spend the time and effort into making the eBike a viable product instead

@tutwilly there had to be some sort of encrypted key for the built-in lock, otherwise anyone could connect and unlock your bike. But VM should have made it user exportable in the app.

Oh, its a lock on the electric functionality of your eBike? So you would just be able to use it as a regular bicycle?


@tutwilly lock + alarm + motor power on. So a very heavy regular bike, yes :-)

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