I’m creating a custom #SFSymbols to add the slash to the house.fill existing symbol. I copied and pasted the paths from another symbol then imported my custom symbol into the app to customize the paths. I’m trying to have the draw/erase options render the symbol correctly, without success so far.

What am I missing?

#iosdev #indiedev #swiftui

It turns out I don't need to build my own!

I discovered we can combine components directly from the SF Symbols app. I just had to duplicate the existing "house.fill" symbol as a custom symbol, then combine with the slash. Perfect! 🤩

This can be done for other shapes too like circle!

@phill It's new from this year with SF Symbols 5 beta. I watched this video this morning where they explain this (among other nice things!): developer.apple.com/wwdc23/102

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