@phill I get what you're feeling.

Apple Mail is a good default compared to anything that's on Android or Windows, but no filtering, spam filtering across platforms? Some things get synced to iOS and iPadOS but not everything. Remind Later is synced, but mail scheduled to send later is local to the device and can only be edited there. WHAT ARE THEY DOING :D

Looking forward to Big Mail but I have so many questions. Let's see how many are answered when I get a TestFlight invite :3

@tobyx yeah Mail is a solid app for the most part!

I’m leaving spam filtering to mail providers atm, but I could imagine that’s a fun juicy problem to tackle in the future!

No schedule send yet either for the exact reasons you mention. I think to do it properly it would need to be a Big Mail Online thing. Needs more thought :-)

@phill Please excuse my thoughts if they're dumb :D

Provider-side spam filtering should be fine.

Server-side mail filtering would be really nice but if it's native to the provider, that's a lot of work. Gmail has an API for it and Fastmail let's you make/edit rules through JMAP IIRC. But... a lot... of work.

I'm really interested how the Big Mail recommended workflow is around folders/labels. Looking forward to it :) !

@tobyx you can do a remarkable amount of filtering on device with just the email headers if you get creative. Pulling a couple thousand of those down over IMAP takes seconds. And modern iPhones are so powerful now sorting through them is near instant. It probably wouldn’t have been possible to build this app a few years ago.

@phill Those sync across devices with Big Mail Online, right?

I would definitely prefer this interface to the native Fastmail Sieve interface.

@tobyx yup all syncs with BMO!

Only downside to being all on device is you can’t do selective push notifications. Would love to say “notify me of new messages in my Conversations Smartbox”. Hopefully Apple can do something about that one day.

@phill Maybe the push could be a silent push to simply bring back a Big Mail background process and have that process decide to show a user-facing notification or not :o


@tobyx That was originally how it worked! The problem is iOS treats silent push notifications as low priority, so out in the wild it just wasn't working properly. Annoying as it was pretty cool when it did work!

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