
Perhaps I’ll have some magical transformational experience trying it on, but I just don’t understand this headset at all.

Apple had a chance to pitch why I should care, and they came up short. Why is this better?

“But imagine a future form factor!”

Okay, well if my grandma had wheels she'd be a bike.

· Edited · · Ivory for iOS · 4 · 3 · 14

They compared it to the original Mac, iPod and iPhone.

But on day 1 those products were immediately and obviously better than anything that came before them.

Mac? An easy to use computer.
iPod? A better Walkman.
iPhone? A computer to go!

What does this do for us?

@phill I think the pitch was a big desktop computer to go.

Not mobile as in iPhone (yet) but more like a a laptop replacement that’s a desktop replacement as well.

@phill They seem to have purposely excluded a lot of VR/AR type of demos and focused instead on using mostly 2d apps in a virtual workspace.

I think this was intentional. They want to sell this as a laptop replacement without screen size limitations. All the other stuff will be a bonus: Gaming. AR/VR specific applications etc.

The challenge, IMO, is going to be the App Store. If it doesn’t allow arbitrary software downloads like the Mac, it can never replace a Mac.

@phill in english this saying implies she's a prostitute.

@phill yeah haha but in italian it means something different.

@phill i’m exactly here too. this thing is not an iPhone or iPod: it doesn’t replace a clearly inferior technology with already-established markets. it’s also not a mac: it doesn’t introduce a new paradigm for computing, really.

if *anything*, it’s an Apple II: vastly superior hardware for hobbyists. the onus is now on devs to make the thing actually useful.

@phill provided it doesn’t give people like me headaches, like the Oculus does, I believe it is a better monitor experience for your Mac. Especially for the estimated 35 million strong digital nomads.

I believe its going to be a huge leap in home cinema and sports viewing. Think courtside seats from your home using share play to sit with your friends around the world and chat about the game. This might kill cinemas entirely as opposed to TV’s which are arguably a more social viewing experience.

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