Related: I binned off Core Data for Big Mail 2, and instead have been using the phenomenal GRDB by @groue

Not only is my app now faster and less buggy, but it’s so much easier to reason with. No weird managed contexts and elaborate dances to pass stuff between threads. Just simple, safe, Swift structs.

(Also, the documentation is INSANE)

There's also a sister package, GRDBQuery, which gives you a @Query property wrapper for SwiftUI (similar to @FetchRequest in Core Data)

You're then able to write views that automatically update when anything in the database changes.

Here's all the code needed for the account picker in Big Mail. So clean.

@phill Based on some recent posts I wanted to give Big Mail another shot but I see now it’s no longer available and Big Mail 2 isn’t ready yet. Is there a test flight up?


@Alticus it’ll be back with a vengeance soon. Keep your eyes peeled here.

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