The .searchable() modifier has to be hands down, the most unreliable, inconsistent API to ever come out of Apple.

Not only does the behaviour of it change drastically between dot releases, it's next to impossible to get it to behave in a coherent way across all platforms.

I shouldn't install a minor OS update and have my app change like this. SwiftUI is so bad at this.

And no, I don't want to spend hours filing a feedback!

On iPhone, the suggestions will appear on presentation (great!), but if you tap a suggestion, then type just a little too fast, the caret position gets messed up.

Do this enough, it'll eventually crash, throwing an exception from some private _UIObscurableTextContentStorage class.

On iPad, the suggestions briefly show, then vanish. Why? I have no idea! It never used to do that, now it does.

(It also doesn't show the icon, for...reasons?)


On iPad, hitting search will hide the suggestions.

On iPhone, hitting search does nothing, they just get stuck there.

And this is code pretty much lifted from Apple's own docs. Maddening.

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