I don’t know how else to put this but it’s extremely odd how it seems everyone* in the UK still loves monarchy.

*let’s please interpret the word “everyone” more metaphorically and not literally.

@louie don’t be fooled: there are many of us who don’t want a monarchy, especially amongst younger Brits.


@louie Sure, but I think by saying "everyone" you massively overestimate our enthusiasm for monarchy. I personally don't know anybody who would say they want to keep it (other than perhaps my Nan). At most people are indifferent. But if there was a referendum tomorrow, I strongly suspect they would be gone (and they know that, which is why the police are cracking down so hard). But you're right that it’s totally insane.

@phill I recognize if you are reacting to the word “everyone.”

I think the “indifferent” part though is some level of acceptance or tolerance. Maybe not “love” but indifference doesn’t move the needle.

It’s unfortunate.

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